Categoria: Reviews

  • 2021 Retrospective and Goals for 2022

    2021 Retrospective and Goals for 2022

    After a 6 month break, I am back to review what happened during the year, my 2021 retrospective and to set some goals for 2022.

  • What did I pack for Malta?

    What did I pack for Malta?

    As usual, after a trip I always like to review how my preparation and organization went. Mostly how I pack, and it is interesting to see that not everything goes as expected. And of course, this trip wasn’t an exception, despite the fact that it was for just a weekend, but I still had to…

  • 2020 – End-of-Year Retrospective and Goals for 2021

    2020 – End-of-Year Retrospective and Goals for 2021

    2020 is a year that will stay in the memory of everyone. A eventful year, unfortunately mostly sad moments, but it is undeniable how memorable this year was for the whole year. But it is almost over, and after the storm comes the calm! And since not everything is bad news, in this retrospective I…

  • How much would it cost to go to Australia for two months?

    How much would it cost to go to Australia for two months?

    People often ask me how much I spend during my travels. Each person has their own way of traveling, therefore the travel cost will always be relative. However, two months should be enough to make a few assumptions, and during the whole trip I kept record of all my spendings. But, how much does it really…

  • What did I pack for Iceland?

    What did I pack for Iceland?

    This year was amazing, and at last I checked out of my bucket list one of my travel dreams, this trip to Iceland! No, I didn’t see the Northern Lights, at least not with my bare eyes… (more about this in another article). But it was a trip that taught me a lot about loads of things,…

  • Review: eBags Slim Packing Cubes

    Review: eBags Slim Packing Cubes

    For a while that I’ve been doing reviews of how I pack my luggage when I travel, and recently I wrote an article about my trip to Australia where I used for the first time this amazing thing that are the eBags Slim Packing Cubes.

  • Review of the hostels and B&B where I’ve stayed in Scotland

    Review of the hostels and B&B where I’ve stayed in Scotland

    Once upon a time I used to surf couches, but now it seems like just another fairy tale… I still love the concept though, but nowadays I am more into hostels. Those times when I was hooked to couchsurfing, the main reason was the experience and contact I had with the hosts, never for the fact that…

  • The Year 2015 in Review and Goals for 2016

    The year 2015 is ending, so let’s talk about traditions! Do traditions make any sense? Maybe some do, but in my opinion, the commemoration of the end of a year isn’t one of them, after all, that will depend on which calendar you use. In another words, it’s just a matter of perspective. However, sometimes those traditions…

  • 2014 Review and 2015 Goals

    Unfortunately the blog has been quite inactive, against what I planned last year, but surely I can’t postpone this post! Every year I write the previous’ year review and a few goals for the following year, I’ve been doing this for a few years and here I am again! It’s time to review 2014!

  • 2013 Review and 2014 Goals

    2013 Review and 2014 Goals

    I have done these reviews and goals for a while, it is nice as a self-slap in the face and / or to see how things went good. Not that I try to follow my goals religiously, but I like to think of them as a path to follow, that some times it decides to…

  • 2012 Review and 2013 Goals

    2012 Review and 2013 Goals

    I don’t write for a while…, a long while…, and this has to change. So, first goal for 2013: get my blog back to life! I am doing this “reviews” for the past years, and reading my last review and goals, I surely need to do more and planning is not one of them. I…

  • 2011 Review and 2012 Goals

    2011 Review and 2012 Goals

    Last year I wrote the 2010 review and 2011 goals, which turned out to be surprisingly good therefore I’ll do again this year and see what happens.

  • 2010 review and 2011 goals

    2010 review and 2011 goals

    In the beginning of this year I wrote a summary of what happened to me in 2009, a great year indeed preceded by a better year, 2008! Well, unfortunately I can’t say the same regarding 2010 and the name of this blog might give you that same idea.